Lucky Traders
Commenced in the year 1987 at Mumbai, Maharashtra, we Lucky Traders are a Sole Proprietorship (Individual) based entity, as the Manufacturer, Supplier & Exporter of Diamond Assortment Instrument, Assortment Lamp, Diamond assortment, Diamond eyeglass, Diamond eye loupe, Diamond tripod, Diamond Tweezer, Display Box, Export Box, Gauge, Jewelery Cloth, Ring Sizer, Ring Road / Stick, Bangle Sizer, Diamond Tester, Aerospace digital caliper, Selvet, diamond assorting pad, Diamond sieves, Diamond wheel, Diamond weighing scale, Jewelry weighing scale and many more.We make sure that the offered products are delivered at market-leading prices and within a promised time frame at the customer's end.
We have hired a team of dedicated personnel that performs their business activities in a most excellent achievable mode in order to attain the set target of the organization. The experience of our professionals in the field is clubbed with the in-depth knowledge and understanding of the necessities of the market.